Kornies 1949

Kornies 1949 Football Cards

Collection: 108 cards
Scarcity rating: 6
The second release of Kornies VFL cards was also very popular among breakfast cereal buyers. The 1949 set featured 108 cards, with the first 64 featuring identical players and front of the cards as the previous year. The way to tell them apart from the inaugural Kornies release was the back saying ‘A Series of 108’ as opposed to 64. The remaining 44 cards were more common, and generally attract a lower price at market. Collectors, when you’re hunting for a Lou Richards rookie card from 1948, make sure the back says A Series of 64, not 108. Otherwise you’re buying his second card!

1949 kornies album


1 Alec Albiston
2 Harold Bray
3 Dick Reynolds
4 Vic Chanter
5 George Coates
6 Jack Condon
7 Charles Culph
8 Wally Culpitt
9 Kevin Curran
10 Percy Bushby
11 Arthur Olliver
12 Jack Dyer
13 Kevin Dynon
14 Fred Fanning
15 Jack Fergeus
16 Bill Findlay
17 Len Fitzgerald
18 Fred Flanagan
19 Les Foote
20 George Garlick
21 Jack Graham
22 Reg Harley
23 Ray Stokes
24 Harry Hickey
25 Cec Hiscox
26 Phonse Kyne
27 Bill Hutchison
28 Noel Jarvis
29 Ron Jory
30 Bill King
31 Ron Leishman
32 Bill Maslen
33 Bob McClure
34 Shane McGrath
35 Russ Mclndoe
36 Neil McIntosh
37 Ernie McIntyre
38 Ivor Mclvor
39 Keith McKenzie
40 Leo Merrett
41 Bill Morris
42 Max Oppy
43 Alan Phillips
44 Ray Priestley
45 Ron Promnitz
46 Keith Rawle
47 Russell Renfrey
48 Lou Richards
49 Alby Rodda
50 Keith Rosewarne
51 Alan Ruthven
52 Edward Ryan
53 Lou Salvas
54 Jim Sharples
55 Jack Spriggs
56 Charlie Sutton
57 Stan Tomlins
58 Len Toyne
59 Bill Twomey
60 Lionel Upton
61 Keith Warburton
62 Lindsay White
63 Bill Williams
64 Bill Wood
65 Dick Maddocks
66 Bert Clay
67 Geoff Spring
68 Ray Poulter
69 Ted Leehane
70 Jack Toohey
71 Norm Webb
72 Wally Donald
73 Eddie Hart
74 Neil Mann
75 Marty McDonnell
76 Norm Johnstone
77 Pat Twomey
78 Bob McKenzie
79 Mac Holten
80 Max Spittle
81 Tim Robb
82 Bobby Hancock
83 Col Austen
84 Bill Wilson
85 Ralph Shalless
86 Vin Morrissey
87 Wally May
88 Don Condon
89 Ray Garby
90 Tom Meehan
91 Lance Arnold
92 Ern Henfry RC
93 Keith Schaefer
94 Jack Howell RC
95 Jock McCorkell
96 Geoff Nichols
97 Don Fraser
98 Jack Pimm
99 Bert Lucas
100 Len Crane
101 Bert Deacon
102 Ollie Grieve
103 Gordon Hocking
104 Norm McDonald
105 Don Bauer
106 Leo Turner
107 Erwin Dornau
108 George McLaren


1948 kornies richard dick reynolds

1949 kornies lou richards

1948 kornies jack dyer





